Saturday, 15 September 2012

Well how things change

So how things change in a short period of time!
From my life being hell bent on climbing my career and losing weight to worrying about my health and no longer wanting the career I thought I did. 
Funny how these things come about.
So now my health is slowly getting back on track, I have had to concentrate so much on my diet and medications to try and get the balance right.
I finally go to see my endo specialist who promptly popped me on thyroid medication and then that sent my heart funny so I have had to adjust to a smaller amount. 
I also find if I am dehydrated, eat gluten or too much sugar my heart will do its ectopic beat.  Add to that if I dont sleep well or if I have too much dairy.  Add to that if I am stressed or popped in stressful situations my heart starts jumping all over the place.
So at the moment my life is all about trial and error and how it will affect me now.
Career wise - I am content with where I am at the moment as ESO to a Clinical Stream and as I know it back to front and is very low stress to me. 
And as I have just worked out what I want to do with life career wise, I need something I can do easily and not have to be over burdened with so I can come home and study! In 2 years time I can change careers and finally be the end of the torment of the past few months. 

If there is any advice I can give you (and this has taken me a long time to learn) is:
Life is too short - in your career do not walk over people to move yourself forward as you are compromising yourself and you will be found wanting eventually as you will no longer have people to blame things on other than yourself.  Really in the big picture when you are on your death bed, will that small promotion for an extra 20k a year really matter? I think not - what will matter is how you have lived, how you have treated your colleagues and friends and how you are viewed in people's eyes.  Your reputation is everything and the last thing I would want is to be known for being someone who would throw my work mate under a bus for extra money.  Stay true to yourself and what is right.

I think my gene of standing up for the underdog and what is right is coming through more and more as I get older.  Cant really contain it anymore!

For a Saturday night, I am going to make my gluten free dinner and then settle in to watch the Lincoln Lawyer - fast becoming my favourite movie.\

May the odds be ever in your favour

Saturday, 4 August 2012


Happy Sunday everyone.

Well I am feeling like I need to do another post as whilst I am on a down mood at the moment, I do feel blessed for everything I have in my life.

I have a darling husband who looks after me, I have a great family, I have fabulous pets who are great therapy, I have wonderful friends, I have a house, a car and overally my life is very happy!

Today I went out to breakfast and enjoyed a lovely cup of coffee, and at the moment, I can smell my lunch being made by my hub bub. 

Tomorrow, I am going to call some Kilo's for a Cause possible charities and get motivated for this cause and put the plan together.  There are lots of wonderful things in the pipeline, and cannot wait to share it with you all.


I have to own this

12WBT Last Finale Photo

I forgot to upload this previously!

Friday, 3 August 2012

If I wasnt me.......

I am not sure I would be coping with my current life.

So in the past 12 months, I have lost my two dogs who were my companions and babies, I have been diagnosed with hashimoto's disease, been to the emergency room 4 times with gall bladder issues and now on the wait list to see a surgeon, I have recently been to emergency 3 times with heart palpitations and ectopic heart beat, had around 8 ECG's, 1 Echocardiogram, had to wear a holster for 24 hours and possibly have Wolffe Parkinson's Wilson Syndrome.  I am awaiting my cardiologist appointment on the 17th for what is the cause!

Thank god for my darling husband, my family, pets and my dear friends Maree, Paula K and Paula L, I think they are the only reasons that are holding me in there.  If I hadnt been bought up tough I am not sure I would be still working in the mental health department, I would probably be a patient of the department.

Will keep you posted on what the cardiologist says on the 17th, fingers crossed for something not serious.

In the mean time I am not exercising much just resting and trying to relax as when I start to exercise or stress my ectopic heart beats kick off again, so wish me luck and send me good thoughts.


Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Why didnt I find this book earlier

I have no idea why I didnt get this book earlier - I quit sugar.

I had the granola for breakfast - OMG soooo delicious.

Today I am making the crunchy nut cheesecake.  Will post a photo later tonight.

And tomorrow for my darling hub bub we are having paleo meat loaf!

So excited.

Happy holidays


Sunday, 29 July 2012

Bloods, Doctors and Tests

Okay I am back from my Doctors and the results are in:
Low Iron
Low Calcium

Quality Mutli Vitamin and back for blood test in 4 weeks

As for my heart palpitations - it is more than likely work stress related as since I have been on leave I have not had them!  So when I go back to work I have to wear a heart holster that will track my heart for 24 hours and see what the cause might be. 

Hashimotos - well it hasnt killed my thyroid yet - it is still functioning okay!  So onward and upward on diet transformation to hashi's friendly!

Happy holidays to me!


Damn Acceptance

Well most of you will not know that around 6 months ago I was diagnosed with Hashimotos which is an auto immune disease. 
My Doctor said I do not need medications as yet so I put my head in the sand and said well if I dont need medication there is nothing wrong with me.
However, over that 6 months I have watched a change, my digestion is gone to crap (pardon the pun), the bloating, heart palpitations, temperature being cold now when I never use and the swings of deep tiredness.
So over this weekend I did some research and realised hello it is all a sign of hashimotos.  So finally I have had to accept there is something wrong with me.
Realising and accepting this lead me to research of the disease and what people have done to ease the symptoms.  I dont want to give into medications and would rather do it naturally as long as possible (Fingers crossed 8am tomorrow I get my blood test results to see if I need medications or not).
The major thing I have seen in my research was controlling it  by diet. 
The most common link is sugar and gluten and cutting that out makes you feel so much better.
So alas I have downloaded the I Quit Sugar book and tomorrow I am buying a book on Paleo lifestyle.
Over the next few weeks, I will be starting to make these changes gradually into my life. 
Thankfully I am on leave for the next 2 weeks so when I go through withdrawals of sugar I will be by myself at the day time and my darling husband will have to put up with the initial effects but I wont endure my poor work mates through the pain.
So wish me luck - and here is to coming out on the other side feeling better!
Happy Hashimotos!

Friday, 27 July 2012

The new motivation

So as to not bore you with my lack of motivation and sooking and making excuses, I had a long hard think and come up with what is going to motivate me.

And what is it - well I am motivated to whilst help myself and my health - I will help others.

So along came the idea Kilos for a Cause - the idea is still in infant stages, I have a short list of charities and have made contact with them to see which is the best one to go with, and some ideas in my head of how it will all work but tonight I will come up with a plan, there will be challenges along the way, tasks, and a weigh in at the end. 

I also have to come up with how the donations could work so there is much to be done but I am motivated again and excited.

So stay tuned, more to come and in the mean time head over to my facebook page and please spread the news, the more followers the better, the more awareness and recognition for the chosen charity.!/pages/Kilos-for-a-Cause/308735199222338


Thursday, 19 July 2012

Some days.................

Well days like today I feel like blah and hard to get yourself back up for another kick in the guts.
Some days I think is it worth it, just over 2 years ago I was so passionate about it, now I am not so, and it is not the industry, and those of you who know me, know exactly what the problem is and how it happened.
Anyway off to make dinner and pick myself up for that kick in the guts tomorrow!

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Timing is Impeccable

Well as you know and can probably tell by my absence of posts my motivation has been through the floor.

Update - have not put on any weight but have not lost any. 

I was feeling quite blah today and walking the dog with my hub bub and I said I know why I feel crap cos I have been eating crap.  Yet when I got home I proceeded to eat Whittakers Dark Chocolate.  Self Sabotage - sound familiar?

Well timing is everything - in 2 weeks my favourite and the most inspirational woman I know, Emazon is coming to Brisbane.  As soon as she emailled to say she was coming I knew what I needed to do.  Spill my guts to her and then book in!

So the week commencing 30 July I am booked in for Mind Fitness, Mind Zen, Fight Training and a One on One Session with Emazon.  For those of you who do not know her, Emazon is all about listening to your body, working out the route of the problem and solving that.  It is not about weight loss, it is about feeling good and being the best you.  That best you might be as you are but healthier, stronger and empowered.

All I can say is, this could not come at a better time for me. 

So look out world, the red woman in me is coming out.

Night all

Friday, 15 June 2012

My favourite time of the week is right now. 

Friday night - a whole weekend ahead of me! Hooray!  So the plans - well I need to find a new PT closer to home, so that is number 1 task this weekend.

We are also taking Duke to the beach this weekend for a walk so that should keep my exercise up but I really need that PT to push me that little bit harder.  I am my own worst enemy, I will go and exercise but there is no way I push myself as hard as as trainer will.

I can feel in myself my fitness has dropped a little so it is about time I get back into it.  Had my mini break which was stupid, I look back now and think really Angela, really you thought it was a good idea to have a mini break, when what is it, food and laziness when it comes to getting my butt off the couch.

I think I am going to have to plaster the house with pictures saying no or dont do it! 

Bloody hell how come it is not this hard to put the weight on! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Anyway, enough pity party for me, ho hum to me!!!!

May the scales be ever kicking my arse.


Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Inspiration HELLO where are you

I am in need of some inspiration so I am hoping by writing on here, it will come to me as I delve into everything going on in my head at the moment.

So I have done the grocery shopping and I have organised the food for the week, so check that off the list.  So why then as I did the incredibly healthy grocery shopping this afternoon did I pop in mint slice biscuits.  Then when I got home and had all this incredibly beautiful healthy delicious food I chose to eat nearly the whole packer of mint slices. 

Why why why - laziness....... pure cravings.........  I have been whining I have wanted chocolate for weeks now. 

Well it is done now, and I must say they were delicious, but I must get back on the band wagon!  Breaky planned, snacks planned, lunches and dinners planned.

However, I still dont have the inspiration behind me, hmmmmm what will solve this.

I think I know I need another session with Emazon, there is a weekend course she holds and I think I need that to get my head back in the right space. 

Time to investigate when the next one is on.  I might have to spend my next lot of holidays exercising but it shall be worth it.

Anyway night for all - if you have any inspirational words for me - please share your tips on how you keep inspired and motivated.

May the scales be ever in your favour.

Sunday, 10 June 2012

A plateau, a bad week!

Well a bad week for me this week, a loss of 200 grams and I can pin point why.
Why well it is me.  I have had a bad food week, I skipped breakfast, ate too much, ate wrong stuff and ate carbs after 5pm.
I have exercised but only walking the dog.
I dont know I hear all these people saying exercise is addictive, you will love it, you will find something you love.
Well I can tell you, I use to exercise 7 days a week, I use to train for district basketball, state country netball, I would then play indoor netball, basketball and anything else you can think of and even back then when I could outrun most - I HATED EXERCISE.  So I dont know now, that I have 50 kgs or so to go, that I will ever love exercise.  If I didnt back then, I doubt I will now! 
Dont get me wrong I know I have to do it, for my weight loss, my health and for when hub bub and I have kids so I am a good role model and I will do it but I can probably say, I will never ever learn to love exercise. 
I love the competition and I think thats why I am attracted to anything other than a boring old gym and doing the same thing day in day out.  I love the idea of a challenge, thats why I am attracted to warrior dash, tough mudder etc, I love the extreme.  I have no idea how people go to the gym and run on a treadmill for an hour, I would be bored insane in 10 minutes and looking for something else to do, my mind needs more stimulation than that.
Anyway off my bitch fest about exercise.
What am I going to do to put myself back on track.  Well I am going to have to get off my lazy arse and do it and organise myself with foods!
So I have printed my menu, printed the shopping list and here I come.
Back on the band wagon
May the Scales Be Ever in Your Favour

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Planning For a Holiday

So for the first time in many years, my darling hub bub  and I are planning holidays at the same time.  I am doing up a list of potential holiday locations.  We only have 2 weeks to holiday but want to make the most of it.

Whats your favourite holiday destination:
1- In Australia?
2- Outside Australia?

My tops on the list are - Western Australia, Sydney and Hunter Valley, Daylesford, Tasmania.
Hub bubs top of list is - Singapore, Canberra, UK.

We have some mutual agreement on a cruise to Fiji, Whitsundays and Noosa.

Hmmmm the choices the choices............

Whats your thoughts?


Thursday, 7 June 2012

Friday Friday Got to Pat Taj on Friday

Happy Friday everyone.
Well I am laid up at home in bed with the dreaded lurgy which is doing the rounds in the office.  Blah. 
I am sitting here with little Duke who needs a walk by my lovely hubbub may have to do that when he gets home. 
So tell me, what are your home remedies for the cold?  At the moment I am drinking chlorophyll in water and also have some vital greens to have with my OJ.  Would love to hear other peoples remedies.  Anything really as I cannot afford to be sick. 
So Tuesday I am doing an online order for this weeks food, I have to be back on the nutrition band wagon. 
Have a good weekend, yah long weekend.
May the scales be ever in your favour.

Friday, 1 June 2012

A welcome addition

Welcome to Duke!
Hubby and I visited the local council pound last weekend and fell in love with this little gentleman.
He is a 6 month old wire haired jack russell.
He is very active so will be amazing for my exercise regime.
The cats are still a little hesitant and he has coped a couple of whacks from Taj but he is happily trotting around looking at his new home!

Sparkle On

Just looking to motivate myself for the early morning tomorrow.  Sparkle sparkle!

Friday Evening - Brrrrr its cold out there

Brrrrrr its cold out there!
How do you keep motivated to exercise in this weather?  Well ask me tomorrow morning, I have a 7.15am training session down at Miami.  I may be a little cranky when that alarm goes off tomorrow.  I need to apologise to my hub bub in advance.
After a couple of weeks not exercising it is time to suck it up, get back on the wagon and I have a bio scan tomorrow, shall post my results when I get home tomorrow.

I have found a chef who sends me a recipe a week who I lovvvvvvvvvveee.  Teresa Cutter - the Healthy Chef - she is amazing .  The one that come through today, pancakes with orange blossom honey.  Seriously cannot wait to try it!

Well time for me to sign off, put dinner on, hubby will be home soon and he is feeling off colour so going to send him to bed and nurse him back to health.

Talk tomorrow.

May the scales be ever in your favour.


Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Insides and Week 2

Well for those of you who do not know I was laid up last week with what was thought to be a gall bladder attack.  So the ultra sound showed slug no stones.  The HIDA scan was inconclusive.  So my doctor is sending me to a surgeon to have a camera down my throat and through my gall bladder and bilary duct.

In the mean time whilst I await my appointment, I must get back on the bandwagon as this cannot get in the way of my weight loss.  So tomorrow back to my trainer -after 2 weeks of not exercising, it will be hard yakka but I have to start back sometime.

I also have to have my bio scan this week - please wish good results for me, otherwise my trainer will kick my backside for a whole training session or two and that makes me want to throw up everywhere. 

I am waiting for 1.5 hours and it is Shannan's weekly meeting - goal setting!  Hmmm I really need to do that so time to ponder some goals.

Will get back next post with my goals.

May the scales be ever in your favour.


Saturday, 26 May 2012

Weigh in Week 1

Good Morning All

Well weigh in this week and I have lost 7.6kgs since this time last week! Halleulujah, for weeks I have been slow and steady plodding along and this week a massive jump.

It might have to do with being sick and for 2 days I was on rice cakes and dry toast.
However, since those days I have been very consistent with my eating so I dont think 2 days will have lost me all those kilos so I am doing a happy dance for me.

I am looking forward to my exercise starting again!  I have a list of things I want to try and will be a growing list:
Aqua Zumba
Hot Hula
Bikram Yoga
Cross Fit (a while off yet)

Now a massive announcement I have finally hit the 30 kgs weight loss overall.  Everyone get up and do a dance for me!  I am so excited, so now to keep plodding along through it.

I have to take care of my gall bladder - I have been reading up and rapid weight loss can be a cause of gall bladder illness so I need to increase my fibre and keep my water up! 

Wish me luck at the doctors tomorrow and I hope everyones results are fabulous.

May the scales be ever in your favour


Happy Dancing All The Way to the Shops

One last post for this evening:

Today I fit in a skirt I have not fit in for wow I cant even think how many years - I would say a good 10 years.

I also bought some of the Michelle Bridges work out gear today.  I have the yoga pants, 3/4 pants and a purple singlet.  Tomorrow I am on the hunt for a red singlet or the fabulous blue I have just seen that is out there.

Hope everyone is having a good Saturday night.

For the Shannan Ponton challengers - good luck tomorrow

May the scales be ever in your favour


Shannan Ponton 8 Week Challenge Week 1

Well week 1 for Shannan Ponton Challenge and what a week I have had.
I came ready for a pumped up week 1, however Monday I was sick, Tuesday diagnosed with pharangytis and sinus issues.
Wednesday night ended up in hospital with adbominal pains - Friday had to have a HIDA scan to see if my gall bladder has issues.  I find out Monday 5pm the verdict on my gall bladder.
So needless to say I have not exercised this week but next week I intend to get back into my exercise and back on the eating track.
As part of the HIDA scan you have to have a fatty breaky and I cant say I didnt love it, as I do love my bacon and eggs.  So other than that I ate relatively well this week but I will be on the program this week.
Tomorrow - wish me luck, week 1 weight in!!!!!
May the scales be ever in your favour

12wbt 2012 Round 1 and What Now?

So I completed the 12WBT first round.  What did I think?

Well firstly thank you to Michelle Bridges, I lost a total of 25.2kgs in the 12 weeks.
I dont think I could have done it without the program, the facebook groups and my very supporttive hubby. 
I must confess I didnt stick to the program and did my own thing, it was just nice to have it to fall back on.  The only thing I found difficult was the menu, the foods for time poor me, are long and alot of ingredients. 

I did not start off fabulously but came into my own in the last few weeks.  I had a plateau/fall off the wagon in week 8 and 9, and then enlisted a personal trainer and smashed the remaining weeks.

So what now for me to lose this weight.

Well due to the only downfall I can find on the 12wbt program, I am going to try Shannan Ponton's 8 Week Challenge and then I get an extra 2 months in the biggest loser club as part of the package. 

I know my mind and body need variety, so if I stay on one program too long I wont keep on track.  It is a flaw I know about myself and now I work around it.  Same with exercise, I get bored doing the same thing, so thats why I make my trainer - never ever tell me in advance what we are doing and throw things in I wont expect.  As much as I grumble about it, I do love it.

May the scales be ever in your favour

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Day before Pre Season

Well today is Sunday, 15 January 2012 and today is the day before I change the way I look and they way I feel forever.

Let me tell you how excited I am about this.  I have done so many different weight loss programs and got moderate success out of some of them (but I will get to all that in another post) but this time, I am determined.

What has changed you might ask - well I am about to turn 35 on Feb 6 (soon to be happy birthday to me) and I want a family.  I have the first piece in the puzzle an adoring and wonderful husband, and have 3 cats so now is time for kiddies.

Anyway, for now I shall sign off and tomorrow the first task gets sent out and I cannot wait. 

I will post more about me and how I got here very soon.

As always