Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Insides and Week 2

Well for those of you who do not know I was laid up last week with what was thought to be a gall bladder attack.  So the ultra sound showed slug no stones.  The HIDA scan was inconclusive.  So my doctor is sending me to a surgeon to have a camera down my throat and through my gall bladder and bilary duct.

In the mean time whilst I await my appointment, I must get back on the bandwagon as this cannot get in the way of my weight loss.  So tomorrow back to my trainer -after 2 weeks of not exercising, it will be hard yakka but I have to start back sometime.

I also have to have my bio scan this week - please wish good results for me, otherwise my trainer will kick my backside for a whole training session or two and that makes me want to throw up everywhere. 

I am waiting for 1.5 hours and it is Shannan's weekly meeting - goal setting!  Hmmm I really need to do that so time to ponder some goals.

Will get back next post with my goals.

May the scales be ever in your favour.


Saturday, 26 May 2012

Weigh in Week 1

Good Morning All

Well weigh in this week and I have lost 7.6kgs since this time last week! Halleulujah, for weeks I have been slow and steady plodding along and this week a massive jump.

It might have to do with being sick and for 2 days I was on rice cakes and dry toast.
However, since those days I have been very consistent with my eating so I dont think 2 days will have lost me all those kilos so I am doing a happy dance for me.

I am looking forward to my exercise starting again!  I have a list of things I want to try and will be a growing list:
Aqua Zumba
Hot Hula
Bikram Yoga
Cross Fit (a while off yet)

Now a massive announcement I have finally hit the 30 kgs weight loss overall.  Everyone get up and do a dance for me!  I am so excited, so now to keep plodding along through it.

I have to take care of my gall bladder - I have been reading up and rapid weight loss can be a cause of gall bladder illness so I need to increase my fibre and keep my water up! 

Wish me luck at the doctors tomorrow and I hope everyones results are fabulous.

May the scales be ever in your favour


Happy Dancing All The Way to the Shops

One last post for this evening:

Today I fit in a skirt I have not fit in for wow I cant even think how many years - I would say a good 10 years.

I also bought some of the Michelle Bridges work out gear today.  I have the yoga pants, 3/4 pants and a purple singlet.  Tomorrow I am on the hunt for a red singlet or the fabulous blue I have just seen that is out there.

Hope everyone is having a good Saturday night.

For the Shannan Ponton challengers - good luck tomorrow

May the scales be ever in your favour


Shannan Ponton 8 Week Challenge Week 1

Well week 1 for Shannan Ponton Challenge and what a week I have had.
I came ready for a pumped up week 1, however Monday I was sick, Tuesday diagnosed with pharangytis and sinus issues.
Wednesday night ended up in hospital with adbominal pains - Friday had to have a HIDA scan to see if my gall bladder has issues.  I find out Monday 5pm the verdict on my gall bladder.
So needless to say I have not exercised this week but next week I intend to get back into my exercise and back on the eating track.
As part of the HIDA scan you have to have a fatty breaky and I cant say I didnt love it, as I do love my bacon and eggs.  So other than that I ate relatively well this week but I will be on the program this week.
Tomorrow - wish me luck, week 1 weight in!!!!!
May the scales be ever in your favour

12wbt 2012 Round 1 and What Now?

So I completed the 12WBT first round.  What did I think?

Well firstly thank you to Michelle Bridges, I lost a total of 25.2kgs in the 12 weeks.
I dont think I could have done it without the program, the facebook groups and my very supporttive hubby. 
I must confess I didnt stick to the program and did my own thing, it was just nice to have it to fall back on.  The only thing I found difficult was the menu, the foods for time poor me, are long and alot of ingredients. 

I did not start off fabulously but came into my own in the last few weeks.  I had a plateau/fall off the wagon in week 8 and 9, and then enlisted a personal trainer and smashed the remaining weeks.

So what now for me to lose this weight.

Well due to the only downfall I can find on the 12wbt program, I am going to try Shannan Ponton's 8 Week Challenge and then I get an extra 2 months in the biggest loser club as part of the package. 

I know my mind and body need variety, so if I stay on one program too long I wont keep on track.  It is a flaw I know about myself and now I work around it.  Same with exercise, I get bored doing the same thing, so thats why I make my trainer - never ever tell me in advance what we are doing and throw things in I wont expect.  As much as I grumble about it, I do love it.

May the scales be ever in your favour